Choose your Path

Ætherglow #1

Welcome to Translunar Academy! You, lucky technopath candidate, have been accepted to a program that will make you more than merely human, give you abilities most will never understand. Your brain and a computer system will be one, the æther that...

Ætherglow #2

Computers make sense to you, gender does not. Some days you feel like a boy who’s kind of a girl, but never quite like a boy or a girl. Most days you feel detached from the two concepts entirely, but you don’t feel your gender is nothing at all.


Ætherglow #3

You don’t have to be a girl to enjoy the sweet taste of estrogen flowing through your veins. You sign up for an implantation surgery. Highest reviewed is the Estra-Dial Tunable Ovaries from Carly’s Synthorganics.

Carly’s! “Every Good Girl Deserves A...

Ætherglow #4

You like pronouns so much, they are your favorite part of speech. You couldn't possibly choose just one, or two, or five, you have to have all of them. You answer this field by submitting your database file containing every known pronoun in human...

Ætherglow #5

Born a Lunatic, die a Lunatic, like it or not you are a child of the Moon. You have lived your life under glass domes and tubes, a labyrinth of interconnected modules built over a period of centuries without much forethought to its design. You looked...

Ætherglow #6

Доброе утро, Лунарианка!

You were born 182 proper Months ago in Korolev City, one of the oldest settlements on Lunar Spaceside. Your people take pride in surviving the harsh conditions of the Moon, but that doesn’t mean they do it very efficiently....

Ætherglow #7

Your future was always uncertain. Not many jobs here in Korolev City would hire an autistic femboy like you, even with your aptitude for technology, unless you were a certified technopath. You don’t expect any support from your family unless you manage...

Ætherglow #8

In a private military, high ranking officer commissions are often decided before the person is even born. Such is the contract your parents signed when they joined the board of directors of Redshift Security, in exchange for their firstborn autistic...

Ætherglow #9

You consider all your autistic knowledge of etymology in making this important decision. If there is one thing that interests you more than pronouns it is names. You could choose any you want, but a defiant idea crosses your mind.

Aydan. When read in...