Choose your Path

Ætherglow #227

published 12:27:58

<< Return to Chapter 11 🌑 The new Moon crosses your window. Her bright spiderweb of sleepless...

Ætherglow #228

published 12:27:58

🌑 2254-08-28 20:46:40 Aydan > we can’t risk involving you here. if anyone could know how to...

Ætherglow #229

published 12:27:58

✴ “Hiii!” The excited motion of your hands sends a ripple of bright pastel color through the...

Ætherglow #230

published 12:27:58

✴ “I didn’t know texture could be so...bright,” you say. She lifts up your hand and pulls...

Ætherglow #231

published 12:27:58

✴ “Show me the Akikotree,” you say. As she flaps her unoccupied hand excitedly, you feel an...

Ætherglow #232

published 12:27:58

✴ “Akiko...” You collapse the remaining illusion of distance between you and pull your avatars...

Ætherglow #233

published 12:27:58

✴ “Is everytime I kiss someone gonna be somehow connected to dueling them?” you say. “I hope...

Ætherglow #234

published 12:27:58

✴ If you keep trying to evade her forever, she’ll only wear down your defenses over time. You’d...

Ætherglow #235

published 12:27:58

✴ You decide this warrants a more direct approach. While her shield is still attenuated to...

Ætherglow #236

published 12:27:58

✴ Resisting her control over your senses is impossible with your tenuous grasp of CommTech, you...

Ætherglow #237

published 12:27:58

✴ There’s no escape, you realize, so the only strategy left is endurance. You focus everything...

Ætherglow #238

published 12:27:58

✴ You extend your focus to expand your liquid barrier to shield both you and Akiko, and also the...

Ætherglow #239

published 12:27:58

✴ “Why are you doing this?! What do you want with ÆON?!” you say, stabilizing your shield. “What...

Ætherglow #240

published 12:27:58

✴ “Controlling a sentient being against Ær will can’t be justified, even for that!” You take...

Ætherglow #241

published 12:27:58

✴ You ascend to join Akiko in battle. A hastily aimed barrage from your laser distracts the...

Ætherglow #242

published 12:27:58

✴ “Yet you ally yourself with a cult that welcomes boys!” you say. “The cult is only temporary!...

Ætherglow #243

published 12:27:58

✴ You instead redirect your aim and fire down at the wolf--a direct hit while the beast’s focus...

Ætherglow #244

published 12:27:58

✴ Pinned down in the sky by drones on all sides, your position is hopeless. You access your...

Ætherglow #245

published 12:27:58

✴ You aim your weapon straight down toward your enemy’s head and attack. His shield feels like a...

Ætherglow #246

published 12:27:58

✴ ????-??-?? ??:??:?? Ætherglow > let’s retreat, we’ve already gotten a lot of data, Zeta’s...

Ætherglow #247

published 12:27:58

🌑 You decide not to disturb it, lying here so peacefully. The ambient sunlight through a crack...

Ætherglow #248

published 12:27:58

🌑 Exhausted, you take its offer and lie down with it. “Hey Zeta, you still awake?” “Yeah...”...