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Novel Release: White Smoke and Black Death

Today we release a new novel, and a new setting!

White Smoke and Black Death is a fantasy novel set on Zenaran, a setting we’ve been writing about for more than twenty years. It will be the first in a series, an Antifascist Fantasy, following the lives...

PREVIEW: Sappho of Luna

Hello readers,

This week we've been doing what was in actuality just a fun little art thing for the holiday--we didn't expect it would cause a bunch of people to wildly speculate that we were about to release our novel Sappho of Luna. I hate to...

TLA Colony Engineering: a Disorganized Infodump

TLA Colony is a cylinder with slightly curved walls having an average circumference of 1.312km and a length nearly equal to its diameter.

It usually rotates at around 1.2 RPM. The wall has an average tangential velocity of around 25m/s, so jumping from...

Ætherglow Schedule Poll

Hello audience, it is winter-type-05 Emma <3

I would like to take a survey of our current readers about the Ætherglow schedule. Currently we are updating it almost every day and running the polls for 24 hours. The main problems with this are the...

Site Updates: Announcing a Discord Presence

Discord: One partner said it was a bad idea, one partner said it was a good idea, one bestfriend said it was a good idea, so why not let’s try it. I’ve set up an official Ætherverse Discord space. If it goes badly we can delete it and it canonically...

Updates Notice

Hi y'all. I've been really sick this week so I did not complete satisfactory revisions of the next chapter of Contact Binary, sorry. Next week. This was the chapter that actually needed a lot of attention so the timing couldn't be worse.

I did manage...

server outage today will be down from approximately 10PM to 3PM (presumably CST?) for server maintenance. Therefore there will not be an Ætherglow post today. Thank you Jade for being a great server host and I hope this upgrade will be great for...

A Site Update!

Hello people who view my site. We've overhauled the homepage to actually be a good homepage and moved the site updates into a new Blog category. Thank you Webmistress Sparrow for all your help <3.

I've also uploaded another chapter of Contact Binary.Th...

Backlog Complete!

With this release we have completed reuploading the Ætherglow archive, we are fully caught up to the point the project abruptly ended with the server loss. Because I had no existing record of the results of the last poll, I've decided to...

Site Updates 2023-02-05

We are almost caught up on Ætherglow now, the original run ended abruptly in the middle of Chapter 6. I've been greatly enjoying rereading this story and revising it and chapter 5 is my favorite part of it so far, some of my best æther work really. I...

Updates 2023-01-15

We fixed some minor display issues on mobile. We are aware of a bug with the poll system where the cookie consent dialogue displays even where there is no poll, and selecting No on a page with no poll will cause a 500 error. We've been unable to fix this...

Welcome to the Winternet

This is the home of Winter's fiction and art surrounding their cyberpunk stories in the universe of Sappho of Luna and Ætherglow.

This site remains a work in progress, but we have uploaded a few stories here to start with.

Ætherglow is our long-running...