

The stars shine bright above Helbender Commune. Nadia leans her head back in Razha’s lap and looks up at the cosmos through the limbs of the great trees. She looks for constellations--Azu, Shiaalev, Shol, and the bright red star, Kalles Torra.

She sighs happily, warmed by Razha and the fire, halfway listening to her comrades telling stories.

“And I told him, ‘Lein don't talk so much. But he understood everything you’ve said.’ And you’ve never seen a guy’s face go from arrogance to sheer terror so fast. Next thing we know the sentie was begging us--begging us, not for his freedom, not even for his life, but begging us not to tell his superior who it was that leaked the information,” says Elliv Koronova.

“What did you do?” Kalen says.

“Well I swore to him that Lein wouldn’t utter a word about it! Then I shot him in the head. And so we went ahead with the ambush, and in the end I found that commanding officer. So I told him that sentinel’s name, and then I shot him in the head. But Lein kept his word, Lein always keeps his word,” he says.

“You didn’t seem like the type, Elliv, such a cold blooded killer,” Kalen says.

“Ah, well, it’s too late for me to be anything else.”

As the night goes on, one by one her comrades leave the campfire. Lein is the last one, a pale man with deep blue Janikan eyes. He plays a tranquil song on a Janikan instrument with three strings, a long neck, and a wide triangular body. Nadia doesn’t know him well, but always stays up to listen to him play. The others say music is the only language he speaks.

Nadia sits up on the log, and Razha lays her head in her lap, looking up at the stars. Nadia idly runs her fingers through the deep forest of Razha’s unbound hair as she rocks back and forth to the ambience of the music. Lein looks over at Nadia, and his playing changes into a harmonic minor scale. She suddenly freezes in place, and Razha sits up, looking at the fire reflected in her dark eyes as they stare off somewhere across the sea.

He’s playing a song Nadia knows deeply, a Sabakuan folk song, said to have been sung since ancient times. She smiles at Lein, and she starts to sing the words in her native tongue:

”Kal Zaia, bright southern star
Fly me to the place of wonder
Show me all there is to see 
Show me all there is inside me

Freijah is the land of dreams
Forbidden land unfit for humans
I never wanted to be human
I only want to fly on dragon wings

The forest far beyond the desert
The trees are taller than mountains
Let me fly above the trees
Let me fly so far atop the clouds

The desert night is cold in my dreams
O Arkon, will you keep me warm? 
For I have flown as far as I can
For I am far far from home”

Lein gets up and walks off toward his tent, playing a slow arpeggio of a somber chord. Nadia waves goodbye to him.

She turns to look at Razha, staring mesmerized into her eyes. The white tattoos on her face and the white crystal around her neck are glowing by the firelight. She looks otherworldly, like a spirit come to carry her off into the night. Nadia leans in toward her and kisses her.

“Who is on watch tonight?” Nadia says.

“Zal and Ketha,” Razha says.

Nadia slides her fingers up the side of Razha’s cheek and into her thick hair. Here her hands are warm. “Then your bed will be so lonely.”

“Doesn’t have to be,” she says, sliding her hand across Nadia’s thigh.

Nadia kisses her, grips her hair and pulls her in to kiss her again, and slips her tongue into her mouth. She doesn’t let her go for at least a minute. Razha puts her arm around her and pulls her close, and Nadia lays her head on her shoulder.

“Why did we separate after Misthaven?” Nadia says.

“You went with your cadre and I went with mine, we didn’t exactly plan to leave so quickly.”

“I cried that whole night, Razha, I didn’t know if I would ever see you again. I didn’t know where you were even headed.”

“I did too...that place was...the only place that ever felt like home.”

“Remember our date?”

“Of course,” Razha says.

Nadia squeezes her tight around her waist and buries her face in her chest. “Thank you for finding me again.”

“Let’s stay together this time,” Razha says. “I’m tired of sleeping alone.”

“You have Zal, don’t you?”

“I got both of you. Let’s all stay together. Helbender forever.”

“I love you Razha, you never lose that fire in you. Whatever you do you throw yourself all the way in it.”

“I don’t know any other way to be.”

“You really inspire me,” Nadia says.

The fire has died down to embers on a pile of hot ash. Razha takes a stick and pokes at them, breaking up the fragile little glowing pieces. No matter how hard the wood, heat it up enough and it falls apart so easily.

“Should we put another log on it?” Razha says.

“Maybe not. It is getting late,” Nadia says.

“Then can we go someplace warm?” Razha says.

Nadia grabs her hand and stands up, pulling her along with her. She walks with haste across the moss toward Razha’s tent. She lets Razha crawl inside first, then follows and ties the entry flap shut. They take their heavy boots off and leave them by the door. They go through the steps of unequipping all of their gear. As soon as Razha pulls her belt out of her pants, Nadia pushes her down onto the bedroll.

“Tonight you are all mine,” Nadia says.

“Yes, comrade.” Razha stares up at her with wide eyes. Nadia sees the longing in them by the faint bit of moonlight that shines through the canvas roof. She climbs on top of her and straddles her at her hips.

“Shall I liberate you from such oppressive clothing?” Nadia says.


She looses the first button on Razha’s black coat. Razha tries to move her hands in to help, but Nadia takes them and forcefully pins her down with her wrists above her head and kisses her, thrusting her tongue deep into her mouth. “Still,” Nadia says, and opens the rest of her buttons before pulling the sleeves off of her arms. She pulls the heavy coat out from under her and throws it to the wall of the tent.

Underneath she has her black fatique jacket--this girl and her layers. Nadia starts unbuttoning that one too, and pulls it off of her with a fury. Under that is a thin cloth shirt that leaves her shoulders bare.

“Oh, Razha, so many barriers,” Nadia says as she drags her fingertips down from her collarbone across the soft fabric covering her breast, across the nipple that pokes up under this thin layer at her touch, and down across her stomach to the bottom edge of the fabric. With her other hand, she grips the collar of the shirt and pulls Razha up to her to kiss her hard again. She lets her drop, and lets gravity pull her out of her shirt.

Supporting herself on one hand to hover above Razha’s face and stare deep into her dark eyes, she brings the other down to her breast. Her skin is so warm. Nadia’s hand must be cold because Razha is writhing under her with shock on her face. She keeps her hold and squeezes it in her hand.

“I really think they are bigger, Razha.”

“Oh wow, do you think so?”

“Hmm, let me take a closer look.” She slides her legs further down on Razha’s body, grinding her crotch against hers as she brings her face down to her chest and grips her nipple between her lips. Razha is under her spell now, and she holds her there entranced with the work of her mouth. Her hands wrap around Nadia and grip her jacket desperately.

Nadia raises her head up. “Is this in your way?”

She nods. She’s already losing the ability to speak.

Nadia sits up and holds her arms out. “Then do something about it.”

Razha pulls the buttons out of their holes with shaking hands and slides the heavy jacket off of her slender shoulders and down her arms. The shirt she wears underneath covers part of her stomach, and Razha slips her hands up underneath it to feel her breasts--soft. Nadia looks up to the ceiling and closes her eyes as she feels the spark of Razha’s touch. It only stokes the fire in her.

Razha lifts her hands up and Nadia raises her arms to the sky as her shirt comes over her head. She grips Razha’s hands and presses them back down onto the bedroll and hovers with their bodies just Points apart. Their breasts are about the same size, but Nadia’s are on a much smaller frame.

Nadia kisses her forcefully as she pins her down by her hands. Her lips move down to Razha’s neck. Razha squirms under her, and Nadia bites down and grasps the skin with her lips until she forces her hands free. Nadia ultimately can’t resist her strength, and that is her favorite thing about having this kind of power over her. Razha reaches around and drags her nails down her back. Nadia lifts herself up and glides her fingers over Razha’s soft flesh, going across her nipple, across the muscles of her stomach, and down to the edge of her pants, where she undoes the button.

“Razha you are so soft.”

“Wow, am I?”

“You are probably the softest girl.” She looks down on her with a smile as Razha’s face lights up with such uncontained joy. It is so easy to make a changeling girl melt.

Nadia takes Razha’s hands again and now guides them to the inside of her thighs and up in between her legs. Razha presses in and Nadia loses her composure for a moment. She grabs both Razha’s hands and takes them to the button of her pants, and Razha opens them up and pulls down as Nadia slides out of them.

Nadia grips Razha’s strong shoulders and pulls herself forward, supporting herself on her knees on either side of Razha’s head.

“Is this what you want, comrade?” Nadia says.

Razha tries to lift her head up but Nadia pushes it down.

“I am in control,” Nadia says.

“Yes, Nadia, yes!”

She reaches into Razha’s hair and grips a handful of it on the back of her head, pulling her face up between her legs. She feels her tongue start to work its way between her labia and up to her clit. She presses her face harder into her and grips her head tight between her strong thighs as her body is overwhelmed with pleasure--one of Razha Koronova’s many talents.

Eventually Razha starts squirming harder and grabs at Nadia’s legs, trying to pry them apart. She lets go of her head and she lays back down, taking a gasping breath. “Can’t breathe!”

“Catch your breath so I can take it away again.” She crawls back across Razha again and pulls at the pants she’s already unbuttoned until Razha is under her as naked as she is.

“Oh, Nadia!”

“What do you want from me, my dearest comrade?”

She tries and fails to form words, but holds her hand up with a motion of wiggling her fingers.

“As you wish.” She reaches around behind her and grips the inside of Razha’s muscular thigh. She is so strong, but Nadia will make her completely defenseless. She works her way up her thighs to the space in between as her lover squirms under her, the hairs on her legs standing on end.

She knows where not to touch her, those parts Razha despises, her oversized clit, ovaries misplaced outside the body and producing the wrong substances. Every girl has her insecurities. But every girl has her weaknesses as well. She finds the narrow space just below them and she presses up into it hard. Girls like Razha have a most sensitive spot hidden here, for those adventurous to find it. Razha is writhing in pleasure under her, and she makes her squirm. With her every gasp and moan, Nadia’s fire flares brighter.

She slides her fingers a bit forward to the loose soft skin around her misplaced ovaries. Pushing them out of the way, she probes inward and finds a recess underneath to press her deft fingers into. Here is another secret of the changeling girl. She penetrates her as best she can with the skin in the way and finds her way to every little nerve inside. Razha’s fingers are grasping at the blanket under her as if she’s going to fall off of the world.

“Nadia!” she cries out, and Nadia watches her completely collapse and surrender to her touch. She balances herself on her knees there and uses one hand to grip Razha’s nipple tight between her fingers as she presses the other as far inside her as her body permits. Her face is bliss.

Nadia takes her hand back in front of her and holds herself up with her hands on Razha’s shoulders as she stares down on her. “What now?”

“H-hold on,” Razha reaches out to her side. Nadia lets up on her as she finds her watch and checks the time. “Just a second.”

Nadia climbs off of her and sits by her, sliding her fingers across her chest very lightly, as Razha reaches for her bottle of blue liquid. Nadia takes the wrist she holds it in and presses it to the ground, and takes the bottle for herself.

“Time for your medicine, my patient.” Nadia unscrews the lid and draws the liquid into the dropper. “Now, this is only for pretty girls, you know.”

“All...girls are pretty,” Razha says.

“And you?”


“Good girl.”

Razha opens her mouth and Nadia drips a drop of the liquid under her tongue.

“I love you Nadia,” Razha says.

“Now where were we...”