

Up on the east side of Helbender Mountain, Razha and Zal stand on a wide slab of stone high up on the slope. Through a gap in the trees they look down on the junction of snakebite road with the main road into Korben. The Black River is a shadow winding its way through the valley, spreading outward with its corruption in veins of blackened, dying plants. Parallel to the river, an embankment of gravel supports the railroad. To the left, it turns around the mountain across from them, leading to Korben more than a Distance away. To the right, it continues straight for a while before turning left.

“I’d say this would be the spot,” Zal says, surveying the valley with their spyglass. “They’ll come around the turn there, and they won’t see it coming.”

“And it’ll be all clear of the town?” Razha is drawing a rough outline--the road, the tracks, the river, and the mountainsides--with a twig in a patch of dry dirt. She points to Korben on the map. “We can’t have large quantities of black death sitting around in town when it amplifies the wizards’ power.”

Zal sits down by the map across from her. They pick up a stick and point to a spot just before the end of the straightaway to the east of their position. “If we do it right about there, the back should end up outside, even with the longest train that engine can pull.” They draw a line representing the approximate length of the train

“And they’ll have space to stop?” Razha says

“At this point yes, at the speed they’ll have picked up they won’t need more than that to brake, and they’ll see the explosion as long as it’s timed right.”

“I’ll trust your knowledge of trains.”

“I used to live on them after all.”

Razha looks over the drawing. “That’s pretty perfect.”

“Except for one thing.” Zal marks an X on a point on the mountainside above the target area.

“Ah, the old watchtower,” Razha says. “Yeah, I bet with all that’s been going on around here they’re sure to have a few senties up there.”

“Eyes to be put out.” They trace another line across the mountainside without drawing it. “It’s also connected to the telegraph line, so we have the chance to put a lot of ears out too. But we better time it just right or they’ll be able to warn someone about us and the whole thing will be fucked.”

Razha points to the X. “We’re going to have to take care of the watchtower after the train leaves the refinery, so even if they get a telegraph out they won’t have time to stop it. A team of two should be able to handle it.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem, the trains always run on time in Kogaku.” Zal points their stick to Korben. “There’s also the matter of the weapons cache.”

“A capable strike team needs to secure the temple and get those guns into the workers’ hands before sentinel reinforcements arrive. They will have to strike after the train leaves the refinery and before the bomb goes off.”

“Three teams.”

“I don’t see any other way. But we can pull it off, we’re Helbender Collective.” Razha stands up and looks out over the real valley. “I’ll use a flare to signal the Korben strike team, since there’ll be no time for runners.”

“There’ll be no room for error.” Zal stands up next to her.

“When is there ever?” Razha says.

“My biggest worry is the watchtower. We better go scout out the best way to approach, maybe get a closer look,” Zal says.

“Sure, let’s go.” Razha slings her Reverie over her shoulder and walks back to the path.