Chapter 17

Ætherglow #349


2254-11-18 21:07:07 Aydan > not safe for text. we’ll call an ÆC meeting tomorrow

2254-11-18 21:07:12 明子 > understood. you’re ok though?

2254-11-18 21:07:16 Aydan > yeah. better than ok. amazing ætherwalk. hard to come back from. everything here on the surface seems so unreal

2254-11-18 21:07:21 明子 > lingering derealization, that’s common when you perceive the deep æth--!!--Aydan did you--aaah of course

2254-11-18 21:07:27 Aydan > well, plan was for me not to tell anyone in advance

2254-11-18 21:07:31 明子 > of course, we asked for it. good job, I didn’t suspect a thing. but I’m glad it went ok and you’re back safe!!

2254-11-18 21:07:36 Aydan > yeah I’m fine. just tired. might collapse soon

2254-11-18 21:07:40 明子 > aw, I can let you sleep <3

2254-11-18 21:07:46 Aydan > no wait Akiko, how are you?

2254-11-18 21:07:49 明子 > me?

2254-11-18 21:07:53 Aydan > yeah enough about my ordinary day, how was your day?

2254-11-18 21:08:05 明子 > well I read this fascinating encyclopedia on slime mold symbiosis since we last talked, it went into fungi, plants, lichens, insects, their bacterial agriculture of course, other slime molds, and humans. and technopaths! I want to talk about it with Professor Reina I know she did slime mold research in her doctoral thesis on biocybernetics

2254-11-18 21:08:15 Aydan > wow she is such an interesting person

2254-11-18 21:08:18 明子 > oh you have no idea Aydan!! she has to be the coolest technopath there is!

2254-11-18 21:08:24 Aydan > the slimes though, can you tell me more? maybe infodump at me until I fall asleep?

2254-11-18 21:08:29 明子 > wow really? I can?

2254-11-18 21:08:33 Aydan > yeah! I’d like nothing more than to curl up with your words and feelings wrapped around me

2254-11-18 21:08:38 明子 > awww, well ok ^^ what part should I talk about?

What do you want to hear about?

1) Symbiosis with fungi: 0 (0.0%)
2) Symbiosis with plants: 1 (3.7%)
3) Symbiosis with insects: 8 (29.62%)
4) Slime mold bacterial agriculture: 8 (29.62%)
5) Symbiosis with other slime molds: 1 (3.7%)
6) Symbiosis with humans: 1 (3.7%)
7) Symbiosis with technopaths: 8 (29.62%)
Expired 6 months ago (2024-09-01 11:44:10)