Chapter 19

Ætherglow #379

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Today is a long-awaited day in your technopath training--your first year final exam. After magnetically locking your uniform dress and its belt, you check its many pockets--everything right where you left it, your personal battery, ÆON’s root device, the AZ-7 module, all connected just how they should be. You strap your terminal onto your sleeve, strap on your boots, and head out the door.

As you walk up to the elevator, it opens, and 7☆ steps out, carrying a tray from the autokitchens downstairs. She’s not dressed for class, wearing a long black T-shirt, her magenta eyes looking sleepy, and her blue hair all messy.

“Aydan,” she says.

“Hi 7.”

“Your exam is today?”

“That’s right. I guess we’re not testing together this time.”

“Good luck,” she says, walking past you.

“Hey, 7,” you say. She stops and halfway looks back. “How’s 5 doing?” you say.

“Not well,” she says. “I was up all night troubleshooting. Logs are not indicating any error, but I’m not getting any response. I’m very worried...”

“I see...I can try to help after my exam!” you say.

“More likely your exopath friend could help.”

“Right, I haven’t forgotten! I’ve just been so busy training. But after my exam we’ll get the two of them together!” you say.

She nods, swaying to the side a little.

“Go get some sleep,” you say.

She heads toward her room, and you step into the elevator.

“You will pass. I’m sure,” she says. You turn around only to see her door closing. Then the doors of the elevator shut you in, and you descend to the higher gravity near the wall.

2254-12-10 09:50:12 Aydan > did you hear that? quite concerning

2254-12-10 09:50:13 ÆON > Show me.

You feel Ær request in your system and you grant access to your recent sensory memory.

2254-12-10 09:50:15 ÆON > It is strange. I can determine no possible outcome for this. Something is very strange about it all.

2254-12-10 09:50:19 Aydan > do you sense danger?

2254-12-10 09:50:20 ÆON > No, I sense nothing at all.

2254-12-10 09:50:25 Aydan > I don’t like this...

2254-12-10 09:50:25 Aydan > _

1) > but for now we have to focus everything on our exam: 2 (28.57%)
2) > I have to focus on my exam. can you try and look into this more while I’m ætherside ?: 5 (71.42%)
Expired 3 months ago (2024-12-11 07:29:12)