Chapter 19

Ætherglow #381


“Synthesis 05,” you say.

“Heh, pretty far off, zero five doesn’t really talk to people,” they say.

“Ahh, I’ll learn someday,” you say.

“It’s okay Aydan, not even Trish gets it right all the time.” They pat your head. “I’m zero three. But to the surface we’re just Synth, it’s fine.”

You stop while they walk ahead. But they look back at you once more. “Also. Don’t worry,” they sign to you in AkikoSign3. “The Admins are extra-vigilant during exam time, nothing’s getting into this server today. So just focus everything on your exam.”

“Understood,” you sign.

“I’m sure you’ll pass,” they say, walking on ahead. You let them go, taking some space to clear your head before your exam. Ahead and sideways you see the academic block come into view through the tree limbs. As you approach, the horizon rotates toward you, and you look up at the white printed concrete and glass of the Administration building. The full Moon’s reflection crosses the mirror windows, and as you arrive, the Sun rises to cast the structure’s shadow over you.

You feel a message.

2254-12-10 10:15:55 Zeta > exam time? good luck Aydan!!!!

2254-12-10 10:16:01 Aydan > thanks! you testing today?

2254-12-10 10:16:07 Zeta > nope, so if something catastrophic happens just give me a message! Akiko too.

2254-12-10 10:16:13 Aydan > they’d expel you if you interfered with my actual exam. any trouble before or after though I’ll be counting on you.

2254-12-10 10:16:17 Zeta > on standby!

You close the conversation to see you received another message.

2254-12-10 10:15:59 明子 > good luck Aydan <3

2254-12-10 10:16:24 Aydan > luck is for RNGs! I will pass!

2254-12-10 10:16:28 Aydan > <3

You step through the door to the entrance corridor of translucent glass blocks. The elevator takes you up to the second floor. You check the room number.

2254-12-03 16:00:00 ADMIN > Exam Notice: report to Administration room 202 at 2254-12-10 10:20:00. Professor Kitov will oversee your exam.

Kitov, you haven’t seen him since last semester. You open the door marked 202, it’s unlocked, but nobody is here. The door closes behind you and you take your seat in the comfy, padded chair and wait, surrounded by the featureless white walls and grey floor tiles. There’s no window in this room, only a dim light panel.

The door closes again--you didn’t even hear it open. But it isn’t Kitov, the old synthman from your hometown, but a tall woman in a long white coat, with long black hair, in complex braids tied off with purple LED ornaments--Admin Vanitas.

What will you say?

1) “You?!”: 0 (0.0%)
2) “Where’s Professor Kitov?”: 1 (10.0%)
3) “Hello, Admin.”: 7 (70.0%)
4) “Am I in trouble?”: 2 (20.0%)
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