Choose your Path

Ætherglow #208

published 12:27:58

<< Return to Chapter 10 🌘 2254-08-23 10:00:00 Your system alerts you. It’s time to get up and...

Ætherglow #209

published 12:27:58

🌘 > make amphetamine --dose=25mg That should help. A small cup slides out of the machine’s...

Ætherglow #210

published 12:27:58

🌘 “Sure, lead the way,” you say. “Over here.” In the hallway, it opens a door you don’t think...

Ætherglow #211

published 12:27:58

🌘 Technopathy is your only hope for survival. You reach out to grasp the local network, and in...

Ætherglow #212

published 12:27:58

🌘 Paralyzed by confusing, conflicting emotions, you reflect on your machine side for a more...

Ætherglow #213

published 12:27:58

🌘 “I had a terrible dream... I was pushed into an airlock and thrown out into space. I was...

Ætherglow #214

published 12:27:58

🌘 “Maybe have everyone meet here and then we’ll go to the garden together and meet there,” you...

Ætherglow #215

published 12:27:58

🌘 Much as you want to answer, to be honest with your friend who has stood by you through so...

Ætherglow #216

published 12:27:58

🌘 You send an emotional message: confusion. “Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out,” Akiko signs....

Ætherglow #217

published 12:27:58

🌘 We should use JSL, and arrange ourselves to be difficult to spy on,” you sign. “Make a tight...

Ætherglow #218

published 12:27:58

🌘 “That reminds me of something I saw in the æther last night,” you sign. “First I was seeing...

Ætherglow #219

published 12:27:58

🌘 “I know a girl in our class, Ida...well, it’s her and a boy named Kaj, they say he knows a...

Ætherglow #220

published 12:27:58

🌘 “The reactor core. If I have to kill me I’m taking everyone down with me,” you sign. “...Fair...

Ætherglow #221

published 12:27:58

🌘 “Okay, what if...” you sign, but pause, frozen in indecision. “I had two ideas that might work...

Ætherglow #222

published 12:27:58

🌘 “If I win...go on a date with me that isn’t a pretense for something!” you sign. “You kids are...

Ætherglow #223

published 12:27:58

🌘 “You can talk to them, and I’ll discreetly try and judge whether they’re lying using my...

Ætherglow #224

published 12:27:58

🌘 2254-08-24 14:02:44 Aydan > ask if they know of anyone in our year who is part of a cult “So...

Ætherglow #225

published 12:27:58

🌘 After messaging Synth, you meet up in one of the garden meadows. There, Synth is waiting for...

Ætherglow #226

published 12:27:58

🌘 “Than I think Pulse might be at the center of it all, we should focus on her,” you say. “But...