Chapter 7

Ætherglow #123

“Alright, let’s consider the objective,” you say.

“‘An imprisoning prism my familiar has crossed. Split into two, one green and one blue. Find the fragments, and false shall be true. But let them not touch, or all shall be lost,’” 7 says.

“So we are looking for a construct that’s been split into fragments?” you say.

“It may be too obvious. This is Haze, an ObSpec. Look deeper,” she says.

“A prism is kind of like a sort function.”

“If it is a dispersive prism. It could be reflective. Polarizing. Depolarizing even.”

“I’m no optics Autistic...” you say. “A prism that imprisons, seems like the opposite of dispersion?”

“No, no, split into two, two wavelengths, a dichroic prism obviously. Infinite possibilities reduced to two. Imprisoned by a filter.”

“Are we both just assuming it’s about light just because of the colors?” you say.

“An obvious trap,” she says. “But too obvious, Haze would not be so straightforward in their deception.”

“Mind games on top of mind games...”

“Aydan is overthinking,” she says.

7 is the one talking about ‘dichroic prisms.’”

“Okay. Then what is Aydan’s first instinct?”

1) “We should reproduce the problem, ceate our own construct-filtering algorithm and send a familiar through it.”: 0 (0.0%)
2) “We should look for where the server sorts something into two categories.”: 0 (0.0%)
3) “Green, blue, kind of like our auras, maybe it’s meant to represent us? What if it’s instruction, not description? We’re meant to split up.”: 2 (100.0%)
Expired 2 years ago (2023-03-01 19:10:01)