Chapter 16

Ætherglow #313


2254-11-18 17:05:02 Aydan > hi 7

2254-11-18 17:05:05 7 > hi Aydan

2254-11-18 17:05:14 Aydan > feel ready for Final?

2254-11-18 17:05:23 7 > yes

2254-11-18 17:05:32 Aydan > of course you would, you must be the strongest technopath in our year

2254-11-18 17:05:37 7 > probably

2254-11-18 17:05:41 Aydan > I didn’t stand a chance against you today, you saw through everythig I tried

2254-11-18 17:05:47 7 > yes but they were good ideas, some of them probably would have succeeded on someone else

2254-11-18 17:05:53 7 > it was a good challenge, thank you

2254-11-18 17:05:59 Aydan > maybe that’s why I like training with you. I can’t grow complacent if I never win, so I always feel stronger for it. I might come out of this year with a terrible training record but who cares, my career’s predestined anyway

2254-11-18 17:06:07 7 > only skill matters, not records. you’ll be a great technopath

2254-11-18 17:06:12 Aydan > I hope so. my moms won’t be happy though

2254-11-18 17:06:19 7 > I know all about that..

2254-11-18 17:06:25 Aydan > it must be tough being an Admin’s kid. has she been hard on you since we got in trouble?

Suddenly she stops. The shadow of night sweeps over your position. You turn around antispinward. She pulls her arms in close in a guarded posture. You can feel the anxiety radiating from her aura in the near-æther. In the rising Moonlight you see the glint of tears around her eyes.

What will you do?

1) > hey, let’s sit down a minute: 4 (25.0%)
2) > sorry I mentioned her, we don’t have to talk about that: 7 (43.75%)
3) Try to project a calming aura.: 5 (31.25%)
Expired 10 months ago (2024-05-17 10:03:02)