Chapter 16

Ætherglow #314


2254-11-18 17:06:40 Aydan > sorry I mentioned her, we don’t have to talk about that

2254-11-18 17:06:47 7 > thanks

[7 liked that]

She takes a deep breath and walks onward.

2254-11-18 17:06:59 7 > I’m not good at talking to humanoids, especially complicated stuff. I would normally talk to 5 about it..

2254-11-18 17:07:09 Aydan > how is 5 doing?

2254-11-18 17:07:17 7 > she’s been...still glitchy, acting weirder and weirder. I don’t know what’s wrong, I’m really worried

2254-11-18 17:07:24 Aydan > that at least might be more of a technical problem than a social one. what have you tried?

2254-11-18 17:07:37 7 > all the diagnostics tools I’ve used in the past are just crashing when I try them on 5, and even new ones I’ve written

2254-11-18 17:07:48 Aydan > I don’t guess you could try testing them on a remote instance of 5?

2254-11-18 17:07:53 7 > not with a program like 5, there’s no way I could reproduce the problem externally without knowing what caused it, or somehow replicating every experience 5 has had all year

2254-11-18 17:08:02 Aydan > right, I’m no expert on constructs. and 5 is clearly more than a simple construct

2254-11-18 17:08:13 7 > clearly. anyone can see that. almost anyone..

2254-11-18 17:08:19 7 > I want to show her to the Exopath Center, get it a proper designation. then maybe I could get advice from other exogenicists

2254-11-18 17:08:25 Aydan > well that sounds like a great idea

2254-11-18 17:08:29 7 > mother forbids me to contact them, though..

2254-11-18 17:08:31 7 > no, I don’t want to talk about her.

2254-11-18 17:08:40 Aydan > well, you’re a brilliant technopath, you created 5, I’m sure you’ll get to the bottom of what’s going on

2254-11-18 17:08:45 Aydan >

1) > I’ve also learned a thing or two about exopaths, if I can help in any way you can ask me: 6 (40.0%)
2) > I have an exopath friend too, maybe we can help: 6 (40.0%)
3) > I’m interested in exopaths too, I was planning to go talk to some experts sometime, maybe I could ask them about your issue: 2 (13.33%)
4) > or maybe you should talk to the Exopath Center anyway, with or without permission, if it’s to help a friend: 0 (0.0%)
5) no further message: 1 (6.66%)
Expired 9 months ago (2024-05-19 09:52:03)