Choose your Path

Ætherglow #65

published 2022-03-23 12:53:00

<< Return to Chapter 3 🌑 2254-05-31 (Earth Calendar) Ever since the incident during your network...

Ætherglow #66

published 2022-03-24 14:40:00

🌑 You wonder how your most enigmatic friend is doing, and decide to try to make contact....

Ætherglow #67

published 2022-03-26 13:34:00

🌑 You keep moving and catch up to the denser crowd, hoping to lose yourself in it. But you also...

Ætherglow #68

published 2022-03-27 14:01:00

🌑 The pain is so bad, you can’t help but scream. Or, you try to, in your head you feel the...

Ætherglow #69

published 2022-02-28 23:43:00

🌑 “...Well, um, maybe it was something connected to what happened on the shuttle, where K tried...

Ætherglow #70

published 2022-03-30 14:53:00

🌑 “You’re right, we don’t need gods, and their followers, to rule over us,” you say. [Synth...

Ætherglow #71

published 2022-04-01 15:37:00

🌑 “I should really look over the source myself before installing this,” you say. “Good...

Ætherglow #72

published 2022-04-06 01:05:00

🌒 2254-06-01 At Introductory Cybernetics Theory class, you are currently touching grass. Though...

Ætherglow #73

published 2022-04-09 02:24:00

🌒 You might as well see if it’s important, but there’s no hurry to reply. 2254-06-01 16:01:38...

Ætherglow #74

published 2022-04-10 14:47:00

🌒 “Okay sure,” you sign. [Akiko liked that] “Great, here, take this entopherocanister--”...

Ætherglow #75

published 2022-04-11 15:51:00

🌒 Using the neural interface, you run your organic visual feed through a program filtering out...

Ætherglow #76

published 2022-04-12 19:15:00

🌒 2254-06-01 16:12:48 Aydan > the present is what matters today, no sense dwelling on...

Ætherglow #77

published 2022-04-13 21:49:00

🌒 You decide the task at hand demands your attention, the reputation of all femboys is at stake!...

Ætherglow #78

published 2022-04-15 00:56:00

🌒 2254-06-01 16:34:10 Aydan > you're the third person to invite me to this thing, why don't we...

Ætherglow #79

published 2022-04-16 18:15:00

🌒 You decide you’ve had enough of people today. You go deeper into the garden and sit by the...

Ætherglow #80

published 2022-04-19 17:20:00

🌒 2254-06-01 16:47:39 Aydan > something strange happened 2254-06-01 16:47:46 Synthesis-00 >...

Ætherglow #81

published 2022-04-20 19:03:00

🌒 02-06-2254 The next day, your focus is on numbers as you face an intense class in Linear...

Ætherglow #82

published 2022-04-22 12:48:00

🌒 You climb the ladder up to the first floor roof of the building annex. After a few months at...

Ætherglow #83

published 2022-04-23 16:38:00

🌒 “I know some people who could help us, a third year enby and a second year girl, they probably...