Choose your Path

Chapter 1 Summary

published 2022-01-26 15:38:00

Aydan (every pronoun) is a 174 month old genderfluid-nonbinary-femboy from Korolev City on Lunar...

Chapter 2 Summary

published 2022-02-18 13:04:00

Aydan of Luna (every pronoun) arrived at Translunar Academy to begin hir training as a...

Chapter 3 Summary

published 2022-03-20 13:53:00

Aydan’s next month at Translunar Academy went smoothly, and the time came for hys first network...

Chapter 4 Summary

published 2022-04-25 13:35:00

One day Aydan was leaving Network Architecture class when a group of three second year students...

Chapter 5 Summary

published 2022-05-19 21:52:00

Aydan conspired with zir friends Akiko and Zeta to investigate the technopath gathering while...

Chapter 6 Summary

published 12:27:59

In Introductory Cybersecurity class, Aydan again faced hir frequent training partner, 7☆, who ze...

Chapter 7 Summary

published 12:27:59

The time came for Aydan’s first mid-term exam. Technopath exams are secretive affairs, uniquely...

Chapter 8 Summary

published 12:27:59

At mid-term break, technopath candidates return to their homeworld to receive their next...

Chapter 9 Summary

published 12:27:59

Aydan woke up in a hospital bed, having had their first direct neural implant, the technopath’s...

Chapter 10 Summary

published 12:27:59

As Aydan’s shuttle arrived at Translunar Academy, væ shared some possible parting words with...

Chapter 11 Summary

published 12:27:59

Aydan surfaced from a long ætherwalk, with no memory of what xe experienced. It was already...

Chapter 12 Summary

published 12:27:59

Aydan, with Synth, Akiko, and Zeta, prepared to execute their planned op, first of all deciding...

Chapter 13 Summary

published 12:27:59

Aydan was abruptly reassociated from an ætherwalk when ÆON predicted an imminent loss of...

Chapter 14 Summary

published 12:27:59

In Social Engineering class, Aydan listened to Professor Nezumi’s lecture, then determined his...

Chapter 15 Summary

published 12:27:59

By order of Admin Vanitas, Aydan attended hir session with academy Counselor Xi, searching for...